
I want to welcome you to ibfxtrader.com,

My name is Jose Castro and I’m a beginner forex trader and love it! Follow me on my trades every day on twitter.com/ibfxtrader I talk about my loses and my wins in the market. I been trading since 2010 I and love every mint of it. At times it does get stressful but when it pays its all party!!! You might be thinking why would I consider my self a beginner forex trader if I have been trading since 2010. Well I’ll let you in to a secrete when you’r a beginner at anything you pay 10 times more attention to what you are doing and you make sure you do it right! With forex trading you have to be on point; one mistake you make – and you can lose big. I will always consider my self a forex rocky.

When I first started I din’t know about forex trading did not know what currency exchange was I looked around did allot of research online. But to me everything was so confusing I din’t  know where to start. I was lucky that I landed on this great website its called Babypips.com I have to say is one of the best website that I have come across and learn many things about the market.  If you are a beginner to forex trading make sure you start with a demo account. When you start with a demo account you’ll find your own strategy’s what works and what does not.

Don’t do what I did when I open my demo account. I looked at it like nothing; that was my biggest mistake I should have looked at like a real account as if I had real money in that account. Same as if you where training for baseball, boxing, hockey or any other sports you take it serious. You train to win not to loose! That’s how you should use your demo account. It’s real simple if you cannot take your demo account that serious then their is no point on opening a real account you will lose money. Now if you are a lucky person then you could win but you wont know how and why and in the long run you will lose more money.

My whole ideal on the forex is to make money not to loose money real simple right! One pip at a time is the ideal not to get rich all at once that will happen eventually when you have master the forex trading game. Is best to win one pipe then to lose one pipe. If you are going to trade long(open a trade and leave it open for long period of time) then calculate how much you are willing to lose and already count it as a loss. Forex trading is all mental and if you loose is not because of the market but because you are to greedy. You will always say one more pipe then i’ll close well that’s not the mentality you need. Set your self a plan or a goal and stick to it no mater what; Lose or win their will always be other opportunity to make money in the market.

Love this quote:

Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.

– Pablo Picasso